The Valero Dexterity Test® is a safe neuromuscular measuring process that helps clinicians personalize treatments for orthopedic and neurological conditions.

How It Works?

In the patented Valero Dexterity Test® for the leg, a seated participant uses low forces to compress our portable device with one leg. The more they compress the device, the more the platform moves. In order to stabilize the platform, nerves in the participant's leg must send neural signals to the spinal cord and brain. The brain must then send information back through the nervous system to the active leg about how to stabilize the platform. Through this measure of mind-body interaction, the participant's level and quality of compression quantifies their neuromuscular that pressing on a carefully calibrated platform.

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How It Works?

In the patented Valero Dexterity Test® for the leg, a seated participant uses low forces to compress our portable device with one leg. The more they compress the device, the more the platform moves. In order to stabilize the platform, nerves in the participant's leg must send neural signals to the spinal cord and brain. The brain must then send information back through the nervous system to the active leg about how to stabilize the platform. Through this measure of mind-body interaction, the participant's level and quality of compression quantifies their neuromuscular ability.

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Our Device Supports:
